You have to keep him on-screen in hope that the auto-aim doesn't select someone else while you're maneuvering, or worse, completely deselect the enemies.
You can't dash around a stage while staying focused on a bad guy. This is where the biggest problem with the auto-aim comes into play. The stages have a lot of empty space, so you're going to be spending a lot more time running around and trying to line up a shot on a bad guy than actually shooting them dead. Enemies tend to come in small groups, which is good for taking them out quickly, but bad for racking up combos. Something that doesn't help matters is the enemy groupings. The auto-aim is far from perfect, which makes it a pain to do anything even remotely stylish. teammates appear to be completely untrained and unable to hit anything smaller than a skyscraper.
I'm sure that you've played shooter games where your A.I. This isn't necessarily a good thing, however. Do you see the dilemma? Deadline Games has replaced the second analog stick with an aiming system that will pick your targets for you, which usually equates to the nearest guy. The PSP, of course, has only one analog stick. The original Total Overdose featured the usual aiming and movement controls found on consoles, with one analog stick controlling movement while the other stick handles aiming. Chili Con Carnage is an overdose of cool. In the next scene, you ride a truck over a bunch a flaming barrels, off a ramp, and into the compound of the people responsible for his death, leaving behind explosions in your wake. The game opens with your father dying in a tragic assassination that involves kittens and farm equipment. It's in the same vein as Robert Rodriguez's "El Mariachi" series, featuring stereotyped characters, over-the-top dialogue, and extreme action.